ZAC Clichy Batignolles | LOT N2 - Paris 17e - 2015

Project owner : Groupe Arcade : Arche Promotion & Antin Résidence
Area : Sdp 9.800 m²
Cost : N.C
Program : Mixed-use building including social and home ownership housing, student and young professional residences, a daycare facility, shops, offices, a restaurant, and sports programming
Delivery : Competition - "Réinventer Paris" 2015
Partners : Architects : Dusens | Economist : VPEAS | Structure : EVP | Fluides et ingénierie environnementale : AI-Environnement | Acousticien : Accord Acoustique | Graphic Design : Ecouter pour voir | Others : ALFI & Fédération Française Handisport

Living, working, exchanging, meeting, moving, relaxing, climbing… a building to practice.

The N1 and N2 parcels within the Clichy-Batignolles ZAC play a pivotal role in creating a unified front facing the TGI, embracing their role as an urban facade against the backdrop of a monumental glass sculpture. They guide pedestrians along Avenue de la Porte de Clichy, establishing a dynamic link between two cities that were once separated by an area lacking in urban character. The distinct volumes of both buildings contribute to the architectural rhythm of the surroundings, presenting varied profiles while adhering to a common vocabulary outlined by the ZAC. The commercial base beneath the two structures offers a range of services, infusing vitality into both foundations.

The Urban Rock is a structure crafted to accommodate diverse urban residents across various surfaces. Its facades transcend their traditional functions, incorporating programming into unconventional spaces within the building. Accessible from both inside and outside, the five facades present unexpected and unique displays. Resembling a vertical recreational hub, the Urban Rock provides opportunities for outdoor sports activities. We propose activating all five facades with activities such as climbing on the west gable, an urban trail beginning at second floor and weaving like a ribbon along the southwest facade to culminate on the roof, and a via ferrata or tree climbing for families in the interstitial spaces.

The roof completes the program with activities that evolve with the seasons and user preferences. It offers a versatile space for the installation of temporary structures, accommodating sports like ball games or badminton, an eco-friendly synthetic ice rink, ping-pong tables, a petanque area, children’s playgrounds, a putting green, and more.

The Urban Rock introduces natural sports into the heart of the Parisian urban landscape, providing the only training course specifically designed for this discipline in Paris. It establishes connections with nearby sports and recreational facilities (Martin Luther King Park and adjacent stadium), contributing to the development of a comprehensive training network. The architecture is dedicated to serving the needs of sports and urban outdoor activities.